Unveiling August: Analyzing Year-Over-Year Housing Price Increases and US Real Estate Market Trends

As we delve into the heart of the year, August often serves as a pivotal month for the US real estate market. It’s a time when the summer buying frenzy begins to wind down, and the market starts to show signs of what to expect in the coming fall and winter months. Analyzing year-over-year housing price increases in August can provide valuable insights into broader market trends and help predict future movements. This article will explore these trends and provide a comprehensive understanding of the US real estate market dynamics.

Understanding Year-Over-Year Increases

Year-over-year (YOY) increases refer to the comparison of a statistic for one period to the same period the previous year. In the context of housing prices, a YOY increase in August would mean that the median or average home price in August this year is higher than it was in August the previous year. This measure provides a more accurate picture of market trends, as it eliminates seasonal fluctuations.

Historically, August has often seen a slowdown in the pace of housing price increases compared to the peak spring and early summer months. This is typically due to a combination of factors such as families trying to settle before the new school year and the end of the summer moving season. However, the specific trends can vary from year to year based on a range of economic factors.

Impact of Economic Factors

Economic factors such as interest rates, employment levels, and broader economic growth can significantly impact housing prices. For instance, lower interest rates can stimulate housing demand, leading to price increases. Conversely, economic downturns or high unemployment can suppress demand and slow down price growth.

2020 vs. 2021: A Case Study

Comparing August 2020 and August 2021 provides a clear example of how these factors can impact housing prices. In 2020, the market was heavily influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, with many people moving out of cities and into suburban or rural areas, driving up prices. In contrast, August 2021 saw a slight cooling off in price increases, likely due to factors such as increased vaccination rates and the gradual return to normalcy.


Year-over-year housing price increases in August can provide valuable insights into the US real estate market’s overall health and direction. By understanding these trends and the factors that influence them, potential buyers and sellers can make more informed decisions and anticipate future market movements.